Sunday, 30 May 2010



Beaver Rattle Mitch


Beaver teeth cut trees to build their homes.

Three exits are built from their family domes.

Mitch was bathing near beavers one day.

He got wacked with a beavertail--not in play.


This wack, wack, wack, got Mitch all rattled.

Mitch had hoped to leave and skidattle.

But, Mitch became a beaver then.

He forgot his own name- in his chagrin.


He hit the beaver with his tail.

This left Mitch confused and frail.

When Mitch is mad he doesn't always cry.

He might:  attack, shape shift, run, or lie.



How does Mitch deal with fear, anger, or confusion?

When someone does something that you don't like, what do you do?


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